Mastering the science of Tissue Culture
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Over 20 Years Of Experience In Tissue Culture
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Cutting-Edge Techniques To Produce Healthier Plants.
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Commercialization Of Ornamental & Fruit Plants.
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Your trusted partner for expert plant tissue-culture. We deliver highest quality plant stock globally and on time.

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What is tissue culture ?

Plant tissue culture is a branch of biotechnology that involves the aseptic growth and manipulation of plant cells, tissues, or organs under controlled laboratory conditions. This technique enables the production of genetically identical plants (clones) from a single parent plant, which can be particularly useful for preserving rare or endangered species or propagating valuable plants with desirable traits. (Encyclopaedia of Life Sciences)


We create tissue culture processes to cater to your needs

A laboratory situated amongst the rural communities in the North Western province of Sri Lanka,
that distributes ex-agar and in-vitro plants worldwide.

Why work with us

Advanced Growth Technologies

We employ innovative plant tissue culture methods, that surpass traditional propagation methods in providing the best product with a higher rate of success and viability.

Customized Propagation Services

We are a boutique laboratory where our size makes us more responsive, agile and attentive. One-to-one contact is a strong suite, resulting in bespoke products. We can be reached 24/7 via email, phone, Or WhatsApp. You are also welcome to visit us.

Global Export Success

We have a strong record of export success. We produce and ship to the Netherlands, South Korea, the United States, Denmark and Australia. We have met the requirements of the most stringent bio security regimes.